With Better Credit- YOU Have a Better Life! |
Discover How To Get a Perfect Credit Report Fast, With "The Credit Secrets Bible"
53 Insider Credit Secrets Revealed!
Re: Consumer Update "The Credit Secrets Bible" Dear Consumer, If you would like to pay off all your bills for as little as 27 cents on the dollar and build a perfect credit report, regardless of your current credit situation, this is going to be the most important letter you will ever read. Here is why: my name is Ken Davis and I’ve spent the last 9 years working as a highly paid Credit Consultant. I have helped hundreds of consumers just like you get the credit they deserve in order to start enjoying the finer things in life. With a perfect credit report, cars, homes, credit cards (and almost anything) can be yours RIGHT NOW. It doesn’t matter if you have no credit or BAD CREDIT. Once I reveal the 53 insider secrets of the credit system you can amass thousands of dollars in credit and credit cards very quickly. Let me prove it to you. Your Problem... If you’re like most Consumers, your problem right now is that you DON’T know "HOW" the system works. For example...
That’s right. In most cases, the credit bureaus send a much more detailed report to businesses than they send to you. A bit deceiving, isn’t it? This is why banks and businesses (except mortgage lenders) will NEVER give you a copy of "your" credit report. Nope. They’ll look you in the face and tell you to request your own copy from the credit bureau (If you don’t believe me, next time you get turned down for credit, ask them for a copy of your credit report and see what they say). The credit system is full of "little secrets" like this. Most people find them frustrating. However, I enjoy showing consumers like you how to take each one of these secrets and use it to your advantage. For example...
Like many of my clients, don’t be surprised if your friends and family begin begging you to take their money to help them build their credit once they see how you’re able to "work" the system. Believe it or not, fixing and building your credit is just like anything else in life; It’s Easy - Once You Know How... I love revealing the secrets of the credit system so people like you can gain an unfair advantage in the financial world. It’s very rewarding. More importantly, I cherish the phone calls I receive from clients who have been able to turn their lives around by getting approved for the Cars, Homes, Credit Cards and Business Loans they never thought they could get. Let’s face it. We’ve all had some credit problems in the past, but don’t let it get you down. If you can read this letter than you have what it takes to learn every secret I will share with you in an exciting new home study course called "The Credit Secrets Bible". I guarantee "The Credit Secrets Bible" will absolutely knock your socks off! In one evening you’ll know more insider credit secrets than most Millionaires alive today. With "The Credit Secrets Bible" you are going to learn:
"The "Credit Secrets Bible" contains more step-by-step, easy-to-learn, easy-to-use insider consumer credit secrets than any other home study course on the market. In fact, the information in "The Credit Secrets Bible" is so powerful, we have to disclose to you upfront that it is sold for informational purposes only. If you don’t already know, I’ll be the first to tell you that the banks, finance companies, bill collectors and credit card companies are the BIGGEST crooks in the world. If you don’t know the secrets contained in "The Credit Secrets Bible" you will pay tens of thousands of hard-earned dollars in extra bills, interest and fees etc. Your money will be wasted (down the drain) for no reason other than you don’t own "The Credit Secrets Bible" home study course. Banks and other institutions who take your money, ruin your credit or deny you the money you need are very powerful organizations. They make a business out of hurting people like you to make more money for themselves. And, the more they hurt you financially, the more powerful they become. But they won’t be able to hurt you anymore! With "The Credit Secrets Bible" I’ll show you how to stop them dead in their tracks!
Banks and credit bureaus want you to believe that once your credit report is scarred with bad credit marks there is NOTHING you can do about it. They will tell you THE ONLY THING that can repair a bad credit report is time. Nothing could be further from the truth! Attorneys and Credit Repair Clinics love this kind of misinformation. It’s this mis-information that keeps consumers signing up for their credit repair services year after year (to the tune of $795 a pop). I don’t want to bash Attorneys or Credit Repair Clinics because some of them actually do a great job at fixing peoples credit reports. However, I do want you to know THE TRUTH about how they do it.
Attorneys and Credit Repair Clinics have 3 little secrets. It’s these 3 secrets that keep them in business. First, when it comes to ANY negative marks on your credit, the big secret they don’t want you to know is this...
Second, they know that the "burden of proof" falls on your Creditors and the Credit Bureaus and NOT you. Third (this is the real key), they understand how to write correspondence (a fancy term for LETTERS) that makes this "burden of proof" very difficult for your creditors and the credit bureaus to prove. And, anything your creditors and the Credit Bureaus CAN’T PROVE must be permanently REMOVED from your credit reports-it’s the law! The Fair Credit Reporting Act (F.C.R.A.) is a consumer protection law that makes this all possible. Fortunately (for you), it was written in your favor and NOT that of your creditors or the Credit Bureaus. The problem is that almost nobody ever learns how easy it is to take advantage of it. So, why am I sharing this with you? It’s quite simple. With "The Credit Secrets Bible" you can improve your credit better and faster without having to pay $795 to an Attorney or Credit Repair Clinic.
Attorneys and Credit Repair Clinics would like you to believe the only way to fix your credit is through them. The truth is you can improve your credit better and faster yourself. Again, I don’t want to bash Attorneys or Credit Repair Clinics... If you are a busy person who has more money than time than an Attorney or Credit Repair Clinic may be the ticket for you (feel free to call our offices for a referral). However, if you’re like most folks, you will do better, a lot better, on your own. Here’s why...
I believe the Federal Trade Commission agrees with me on this with the following quote: "Everything a Credit Repair Clinic can do for your legally, you can do for yourself at little or no cost". All the power is in their letters. The letters simply leverage THE LAW in your favor. If you have THEIR LETTERS it does NOT matter whether a high powered Attorney mails them or if a high school drop out mails them! To prove this point, years ago I had a client who was using a Credit Repair Clinic. Having paid $795 she was curious and didn’t think it was "out of line" to request the letters they were using since she was paying good money for the service. Can you guess what the Credit Repair Clinic told her? They sent her a letter stating... "We are unable to share our letters The Credit Repair Clinic knew that if she had the letters (and some basic knowledge) she would no longer need them because the real power wasn’t in their service - it was in THEIR LETTERS!
With "The Credit Secrets Bible" you are going to receive every letter you need to get started fixing your credit fast. These are the same concepts Attorneys and Credit Repair Clinics use and they are GUARANTEED to get you results!
In some cases you could be just a few postage stamps and envelopes away from solving ALL your credit problems. It’s happened to other clients and it could happen to you! These letters are that powerful. We guarantee it... You’ll also receive easy-to-read and easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions on how to use these letters for your own personal situation. These letters and proven strategies will have your creditors and the credit bureaus literally "wrapped around your pinky" trying to validate and verify every minute detail on your credit report. And remember...
I guarantee you will be amazed at the potential of these letters to delete negative items from your credit report fast. Remember, we guarantee it! What Satisfied Clients Are
Saying About I could talk for hours about all the different amazing life-changing information found in "The Credit Secrets Bible", but this is the point where I believe it’s best for me to just "shut my trap" and let a few of our satisfied clients do the talking: HERE’S WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT "The Credit Secrets Bible"
I am very impressed to say
the least. I’ve tried all kinds of credit stuff, credit
card brokers, and the like and this is the only one that has
actually helped me get credit. Thanks again
Kevin Sinclair, New
Kimberly Bryant, Ohio
“Using several techniques in ‘The Credit Secrets Bible’ I was able to raise my credit score 40 points. This 40 points allowed me to secure a mortgage rate 2% lower than before. On a 30 year mortgage this is going to save me over $50,000!”. John Jenko, California
OVER $18,000 IN CREDIT...
Let Me Show YOU How to SAVE If you only get one thing out of this letter today, let it be this; if you’re like most people, the two biggest purchases you will EVER make in your life will be your DREAM CAR and your DREAM HOME. Right? With the "The Credit Secrets Bible" you can save up to $102,430.11 (or more) on just these two purchases alone. How? By learning the secrets to building a great credit report and qualifying for the lowest interest rate. Here’s how: let’s say the loan amount on the car
you buy is $20,000 and the payments are for 5 years. On the graph
below you will notice that with great credit versus bad credit
you will save $5496.00 on your car alone!
Now let’s talk about your dream home... Let’s say the loan amount on the home you buy is only $200,000 and the payments are for 30 years. On the next graph you will notice that with great credit versus bad credit you will save $96,934.11!
As you can see, between your dream car and your dream home your bad credit will cost you $102,430.11! This is $102,430.11 banks will make off you just because you won’t qualify for the lowest interest rates due to your credit status. Don’t be like the uninformed and let this happen to you... These are the "nitty-gritty" numbers most people DON’T take the time to think about-will you? If you don’t it will cost you thousands! Order "The Credit Secrets Bible" for your review today. If I’m right, you’ll come out at least $102,430.11 ahead! If I’m wrong you lose NOTHING...
Look, the cost of "The Credit Secrets Bible" is extremely low compared to what you get and how much it will change your entire outlook on life. However, I don’t want you to take any risk in ordering it. Therefore, I have a 100% Risk-Free "Just Look It Over" money-back guarantee. This means I won’t make you send me "evidence" you used it, or take a dumb test to "prove" you even read it, and I won’t make you "keep it for 90 days" if you’re unsatisfied, or "jump through hoops" to get a stupid "Return Number" in order to return it. No. This may sound funny but... I intend to treat you Here’s how the guarantee works: order your copy of "The Credit Secrets Bible" home study course today. It will be shipped out to you within 48 hours by speedy First Class Mail. When you receive it, just look it over and listen to the Companion Audio Program. Get excited and have fun discovering all the credit secrets that I guarantee will change your entire outlook on life forever... If you want a new car - YOU’LL GET IT! If you want a credit card - YOU’LL GET IT! If you want your own house - YOU’LL GET IT! If you don’t agree after just one evening that you know more insider credit secrets than most Millionaires alive today or, are unsatisfied for ANY reason (or no reason at all), simply return it within 3 Months from the date of shipment for a FAST and FULL REFUND. That’s right. I said a FULL REFUND. Unlike everyone else, I will NOT deduct any shipping, handling or restocking fees. I will assume all the risk guaranteeing a 100% refund. Fair enough?
The total amount you're required to pay The United States Post Office is $67.75 cash or money order. If you're not home when your mail carrier arrives they should leave notice for you on your door or in your mail box. This notice will ask you to visit your local United States Post Office to pay for your "Credit Secrets Bible" package. Your "Credit Secrets Bible" package should arrive in one to five days after you get this letter. If you would like to mail a check or Money Order all you have to do is write your Contact Information and the words "Credit Secrets Bible" on a piece of paper and send it with your check or money order for Sixty-Seven Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents to: National Associated Services 1800 mineral Spring Ave. Suite 151 North Providence, RI 02904
NOTE: Checks and Money Orders should be made payable to: National Associated Services, please do NOT mail cash.That’s all there is to it. As soon as we receive your order, we will rush you "The Credit Secrets Bible" home study course by First Class Mail (checks are held for bank clearance). P.S. Keep in mind that you are protected by my 100% Risk-Free "Just Look It Over" Money-Back Guarantee. This means you can "Just Look It Over" for up to 90 days with NO RISK. If it's not for you just send it back for a 100% refund of your $67.75. No questions asked and no hard feelings...
OK! I am ready to get my own copy of the "Credit Secrets Bible!" CLICK HERE